The science of functional ingredients: sage and basil

Aromatic herbs are the ingredient that gives a magical yet natural touch to the flavor and aroma of our recipes. Just taste a forkful of tortellini seasoned with butter and sage or smell the scent released by a minestrone of fresh vegetables with basil leaves to experience the pleasure of mouthwatering. However, the power of aromatic herbs is not confined only to the world of gastronomy. The plants that we use in the kitchen and that we can easily grow on the balcony of our home also have important positive effects on our health.

Europrodotti takes you to the discovery of the precious active ingredients contained in two of the most used aromatic herbs in our kitchens: sage and basil.

The use of aromatic herbs as functional ingredients: sage and basil

By definition functional ingredients are all those foods that contribute to strengthening and defending the health and physical well-being of human beings. Our review of these extraordinary alimentary resources continues. In previous chapters we described the therapeutic benefits of garlic and onion and pepper and chili pepper. In this article we will instead talk to you about sage and basil, two aromatic herbs much appreciated as a condiment in the kitchen which also have important healing properties.


Cooking sage (salvia officinalis) is one of the most used condiment and flavoring plants both at home and by great starred chefs. It is a perennial plant that grows spontaneously both in the Mediterranean areas and in the mountains up to eight hundred meters above sea level. You can easily grow it at home, taking care to use alkaline and well-drained soil. A trick you can use to keep the soil dry in pots is to cover it with a layer of pebbles or gravel. Also be careful not to get the leaves wet when you water them.

Sage leaves are rich in an essential oil composed of salviol, salvene, pinene and borneol. These substances have an effective tonic-digestive, antispasmodic, antiseptic, healing and antihidrotic action, i.e. an action that reduces sweating.

The health benefits of sage

  • Antibacterial and antiviral effects: sage is rich in compounds that can fight bacteria and viruses.
  • Aid in digestion: sage is known for its ability to facilitate digestion and reduce bloating and intestinal gas.
  • Hormonal properties: since ancient times sage has been used to relieve the symptoms of menopause and to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Oral hygiene: rubbing sage leaves against teeth and gums prevents cavities and infections, as well as keeping your breath smelling fresh.
  • Skin care: sage compresses are an effective treatment for skin redness, rashes and eczema.

How to add sage to your diet

Unlike what happens with most aromatic herbs, drying strengthens the aroma of sage. In recipes it is therefore necessary to reduce the dose of dry product compared to the fresh one so as not to cover the other flavours.

Its flavor adds a pleasantly bitter aftertaste to pasta dishes, risottos and fish. For meats it is particularly suitable for fatty ones such as goose and pork and for sausages. In England one of the traditional Christmas dishes is roast goose stuffed with sage and onion, a recipe mentioned in the famous story A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

Sage focaccia is an excellent snack that both children and adults will enjoy.

Sage can be used not only as a condiment but also to prepare tasty snacks. In fact, the Maxima and Berggarten varieties of sage have large leaves that can be cooked by dipping them in a batter and frying them in olive oil. Served hot they represent a simply irresistible appetizer.


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an aromatic annual herb. It originates in Africa and India and arrived in Europe presumably in Roman times. The height of the stem can vary from a few centimeters up to half a meter depending on the species.

From a study of commodities point of view, basil is divided into two large categories: the fine one and the large one. Fine is further subdivided into fine green, fine compact dwarf green, fine violet and fine compact dwarf violet. The large includes large green, large purple and leaf lettuce basil.

The essential oil contained in basil leaves can be used in the preparation of infusions with antispasmodic, stimulating, tonic and diuretic action. It also contains lutein and beta-carotene, two carotenoids useful for protecting vision, skin and the immune system.

The health benefits of basil

  • Antioxidant properties: basil is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which help fight free radicals, preventing cell damage and contributing to the general health of the organism.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: thanks to the presence of substances such as eugenol, citronellol and linalool in its essential oil, basil has properties that help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Digestive benefits: basil is recommended for improving digestion, reducing bloating and flatulence and relieving ailments such as indigestion or stomach cramps.
  • Treatment of cognitive disorders: scientific studies have shown that consumption of basil improves memory and treats cognitive disorders.
  • Aromatherapy: basil oil used in aromatherapy promotes concentration and stimulates rational thinking.

How to add basil to your diet

Tomato and fresh basil sauce is a condiment for pasta, in particular for spaghetti, simple to prepare and which contains all the aroma and flavor of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine.

Basil is a fundamental ingredient of Genoese pesto, one of the most famous sauces in the world. We remind you that the original recipe for Ligurian pesto includes, in addition to basil of the small-leafed type which should not taste like mint, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts, grated parmesan cheese, grated seasoned Sardinian pecorino and salt. It is forbidden to use the mixer, which could cook the oil with its heat. Genuine Genoese pesto is prepared by crushing the ingredients in a marble mortar.

Basil also gives a pleasant touch to tomato salads, fillings and soups. We also suggest you try it raw inside sandwiches alongside ham, tuna and cheese. Ice creams and sorbets flavored with basil have also been successfully experimented with by nouvelle cuisine chefs.

Sage and basil are aromatic herbs that play an extraordinary role in Italian and international cuisine and are also appreciated for their healthy properties. Europrodotti selects the best qualities of these herbs and brings them to your tables, preserving their original gastronomic and beneficial properties.

Europrodotti: a story of flavours
The science of functional ingredients: pepper and chili pepper